... because of people like you ...

i have no desire to live in this world anymore without SADDI
and it is because of people like you
and you know who you are
you only add to the cruel loneliness inside of my heart now
you say you are a friend, but if you read your words
TRULY read them
you would see the hurt you only add to my life
i know i owe you
but that DOES NOT mean i have to put up with how you belittle me
how you have no compassion for what i am going through
i regret i allowed you into my life
i regret allowing you to know anything about me
i regret this debt owed to you
it DOES NOT allow you to stab my already broken heart with your words
this world is not worth living in if it means having to be hurt by you
and over
and over again
i'd much rather be with SADDI than anywhere near people like you
and there are so many like you on this earth who show fake friendship
but true hurt

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