... remembering my silly SADDI ...

i fell asleep under an open window last night with the strong beautiful scent of rain finally falling after several weeks. It sent me into peaceful dreams that were filled with my precious SADDI.

i'm remembering how much my silly SADDI hated to get wet, despite being half lab (the other half chow and full spoiled). SADDI would cry while i gave her a bath, even though i was naked in the bath with her, talking to try and calm her. After toweling her off, she would lay on the bed giving me dirty looks. If i was working in the yard and went to get the hose to water the roses, SADDI would run into the house to hide. But my favorite memory is when i would open the door to take SADDI for a walk and the ground was wet from a fresh rain. SADDI would look at the wet sidewalk, up at me, back to the sidewalk and again up at me with an expression of her beautiful face that seemed to say 'do i really have to go to the bathroom so badly that it would mean getting my feet wet?'. After a long pause to think it over, SADDI would gently step out onto the damp sidewalk on the tips of her toes until she finally realized she couldn't walk like this very well and gave into getting her feet wet so she could take her walk.

i miss you so very much lil girl

SADDI, i love you

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