... Two Years ...

i actually find it very difficult to believe that it has been two years since my SADDI was taken from me. Maybe because i still feel numb. Maybe because life has so little meaning without SADDI here to share it with me. Maybe because of the friends i thought i had over the years betraying SADDI's memory to "protect their own heart" or thinking i could so easily go out and get another dog to replace SADDI, these sad excuses for humans are no longer in my life. Never will be again.

Two years without SADDI has felt like several lifetimes have passed and sometimes it just seems like yesterday she was taken away. So often i still feel SADDI near me, with me. Sometimes i can actually feel SADDI's soft fur against my finger tips or against my face like when i gave her kisses. i still hear SADDI's barking, usually thinking my cell fone is ringing, the ring tone is SADDI. But when i check the fone, there is no call.

As i write my book, a tribute to SADDI ... the TRUTH prevails ... i can only get through a few sentences before i have to stop and cry. My memories are so strong and so real, i know SADDI is guiding me to share our very special and beautiful love story. Without notice, suddenly i find myself smiling from a very simple memory that SADDI and i shared. But in just a few short moments that smile is wet with a tear.

The SAISAR unlimited foundation, which helps doggies living on the streets with their humans with treats, blankets and basic needed supplies is all done to honor the memory of SADDI. The homeless humans are far more appreciative to receive something for their doggie than they seem to be in a few coins given to them. And the smile on the doggies face, knowing something special is being given to them, is the greatest thank you i could ever receive.

i am so very much in love with my SADDI and i live my life with the hope that one day, very soon, we will be reunited. Thank you SADDI for teaching me so much about life, love and myself.

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