July 2, 2015

Long day

i had my cast changing this morning and the news wasn't good.  My whole right foot was red and swollen.  My doctor said he wanted me in the hospital, but we have Devon's immigration interview this week and delaying it could affect Devon's status.  i made a deal with the doctor that i would check into the hospital right after Devon's interview.  He wants to open my foot a bit more and hopefully just drain the infection or i'll have my leg cut off just below the knee.

Then it was a trip on the bus downtown to meet Devon for his meeting with the lawyer before his interview and right near our home, Devon caught the same bus.  It gave me comfort after my doctors appointment to see him.

The meeting with the lawyer went really well, he feels confident we wont have any problems.

Devon paid for a cab ride home and i soon laid down and slept deeply for a few hours, finally getting up around 11pm to eat dinner.  i'm so tired for always feeling sick and completely drained of energy.

i'm so worried about how my life will change if i have the amputation.  Something so simple as getting up from the sofa.  Showering.  My doctor claims i'll be able to live a normal life.

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