New Beginnings October 30, 2015

Well, i've had my new leg now for just over 24 hours and though it feels quite weird, it also feels quite wonderful.

My balance is a little shaky but i can get around the house without the need for the walker or cane.  i have gone outside to get the mail or take out the recycling and i'm just using my cane.  i figured i'd be using my walker for a week or more at least.

It feels good to be able to get around the house easier and do the things i have actually missed doing around the house:  cleaning, cooking, giving SADDI's ashes a kiss good night.

And with this new beginning, Devon and i are talking again, after over two weeks.  He must have really missed sharing with me, because when we started talking again he was talking so fast and had so much to share.

He recently took a trip to San Francisco, to get his passport updated so he can visit China, he loved it so much and with my new leg, i am going to work hard so we can visit SF for Pride 2016 and possibly move down there.

It just feels good to have US back and to be able to walk again.

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