New Start

Today, September 13, 2016 was my first outing using my wheelchair which i only received a couple of days ago.   i was nervous, more so embarrassed having attention towards me because of the wheelchair.  Getting to the bus stop was easy, it's a slight downhill journey.  i actually got down there a lot quicker than i thought i would.  The bus ride downtown was exciting, as i have not been down there in nearly a year, whereas before losing my leg, i was downtown many times during the week.

i had to go downtown because i am desperately in need of a job.  We have no income now and i have always paid the rent and bills.  i don't like to think of myself as disabled, but while looking for a job, i will take advantage of this wheelchair.

My infection wound is healing nicely and i should be able to wear my prosthetic in a couple of months.  i have been exercising and really watching my diet, with my blood sugar numbers being excellent, so that is helping the healing, physically and emotionally.

After my trip downtown, from the bus stop 2 1/2 blocks away, i struggled to get home.  It's all upward.  i took many breaks and pushed myself backwards most of the way.  At one point, about a block away from home, i called our neighbor, Anne, just to take a breather, but she couldn't understand me because i was breathing so heavily.  So she came out and help me the rest of the way.  The next time i have to go out, i am going to turn a different way of coming home ... but it's mostly steep downhill.

i use my good foot to help me along, but i am worried i might cause some damage to that foot.  But i don't really have any other choice, i have to work so we can survive.

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