Thanksgiving 2001, it was the first Thanksgiving that it was just SADDI and i.  My family had disowned me 4 years earlier and i had just found the courage to kick out my abusive ex ( he actually came over the night before Thanksgiving to remove all his belongings). Emotionally i wasn't in the mood for celebrating and it rained, heavily, all day so we couldn't go for a long walk.  So SADDI and i stayed inside our small apartment, i fixed an egg sandwich for my dinner and added some eggs to SADDI's.  We played and cuddled.  Enjoyed a restful nap.  i spent too much time online chatting with others who were alone for the holidays.  But because i was with SADDI, it's a Thanksgiving i truly cherish.

Later years, when i did make a turkey, just for the two of us, SADDI  and i were able to take long walks and then we had Devon join us.

In 2009, SADDI had been gone since August, but on Thanksgiving it really hit me that we weren't together anymore.  As the house filled with the scent of turkey, i remembered SADDI stretching her head to take in the smell and how she would always stand right next to me as i craved the turkey in case i "accidentally" dropped a few pieces.

i really miss SADDI so much, but i am also so very thankful for the 13.5 years we did have together.

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