Good Bye Squirrel Friend

Although i look forward to my own, i do not handle death very well.

This morning, while cleaning the house, i opened the front windows, to wash them, and the noise scared one of my new squirrel friends to where they ran out into the street and were hit by a car. The squirrel now lays dead in front of our house. i instantly began crying and saying how sorry i am. i blame myself for this little ones death. Just minutes before, this shy squirrel refused to come down from the tree to eat while i was there, but while i was sitting in my wheelchair, half inside half outside at the front door, my little friend came down and got some treats.  But quickly ran off.  i saw it as a sign that there was a trust building.

The positive feeling i have been having of new life with spring is tainted now.
Good bye little friend. i am truly so very sorry.

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