In the small apartment SADDI and i lived in for 9 (too long) years, our yard was a short cement walkway to the gate. SADDI would lay on the cool cement during the summer months, but when i went outside the gate to get the mail or work in the tiny yard area, SADDI would always stick her nose under the gate. She couldn't see me, but i think she wanted to ensure i saw her. And even if i was gone for just a couple of seconds, SADDI always greeted me back as if i had been gone for ages. Barking and sneezing. She then waited for me to chase her into the house.
Sometimes i had some fun by starting to chase her into the house, once she got inside and made her way into the bedroom, i would stop and closer the door. With me on the outside. i could see SADDI, from the edge of the window, coming out of the bedroom looking for me. Though i couldn't stand it too long, i had to surprise her by opening the door, once seeing me, SADDI had that big beautiful smile waiting for me and we'd continue our chase.
i truly miss those silly times and the wonderful smile that always made me feel safe and loved.

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