i have numerous regrets in life.  My pathetic impatience, but SADDI still loved me.  My wasted tears, which scared SADDI in the beginning.  As she got use to them, SADDI learned to comfort me.  My failed attempts to create human friendships, when all the friendship i needed waited for me at home.  Looking back, as i often do, i say without any regret, i would give up the rest of my life to be able to go back and be with SADDI.  Accepting that the greatest most loyal friendship i have ever had was from a four legged, bundle of shedding fur.  Though our life was simple, my times with SADDI are the most precious memories of my entire life.  i will forever regret that i selfishly and foolishly did not fully embrace the most powerful connection of my life.  From day one, SADDI made a positive impact upon my life and heart.  While the humans i reached out to only betrayed my life and heart.   Daily i still talk to SADDI.  Daily, i apologize to SADDI.  And daily, like it was when she was here, SADDI gives me a comforting safe feeling.  Every morning and just before going to bed, like it was when she was here, i still SADDI how much i love and need her.  Where ever SADDI is now, i hope she knows that she changed me, making me a better human and wanting to be even better.

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