SADDI died in my arms on August 9, 2009, i was surprised how strong i was. Of course i had moments, but i guess i was comforted that SADDI wasn't in pain anymore and blessed for the 13.5 years we shared.  But on Thanksgiving that year, it hit me.  Hard.  As the aroma of the turkey filled the house, Devon in the office painting, i sat on the sofa and just cried, uncontrollably.  The memories.  From the simple to the very special were all in my thoughts.  i remembered the Thanksgivings were had together, usually alone, but i would still make a turkey.  Once the scent of the turkey took over our small apartment, SADDI's nose was in the air.  She'd come out of the bedroom to see if it was ready.  As the smell grew stronger, SADDI stayed in the living room with me.  Cuddled under a blanket next to me, as i watched (on repeat) Notting Hill,  When i would get up to check on the turkey, SADDI got up with me.  She wouldn't step on the slippery kitchen floor, but she would stretched her head around the corner to watch me.  Today, my ninth Thanksgiving without SADDI, the scent of turkey always brings happy tears to my eyes.  

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