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Lets try a year where we don't focus on the negatives and we celebrate the positives.  Within ourselves and others.  And if we don't like something, instead of sitting behind the computer whining about it, lets actually do something about it.  You may feel alone, that how can one person make a differences.  YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  A group of active passionate people, working on a similar dream ... CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.   The past has proven that and the future will strengthen that ideal.

My last year was wasted and a disgrace.  Physically and emotionally.  i am embarrassed by the lack of effort in myself and my life in 2018.  As i look back, i have napped and eaten ENOUGH ... and what has it gotten me?  Fat and lazy.  So in 2019, i'm going to take all that energy i have reserved and push myself in this New Year to truly become the human SADDI saw me as.  i'm tired of allowing a minor setback or a negative attitude to slow or stop me completely from my much needed goal.  i'm tired of believing life would just happen without me doing anything to actually make it happen.

Other than my faithful devotion to my husband, what i am proud of in the past year is ensuring that i have kept my page, SAISAR unlimited, positive and hopeful.  Even if it meant deleting negative comments.  Sadly, the page isn't acknowledged or viewed as much as i believe it should be.  i guess others want to hold onto their negative energy and find believing in the positives all around us takes too much effort.  

2019 is just hours old and these are just words.  What it will take to truly ensure the positive change sought to fulfill my journey will be searching for something within myself that i have never allowed to thrive.  i have known it was within me, but i have never nurtured it to become the me that i know i can be.  That i should be.  That finally, i shall be.

i have much to share, but i have much more to achieve and experience.  i wont be far away, and always here to offer support and encouragement to  others.  But please understand and respect, i'm finally taking care of my needs so i can be stronger and more confident for others.

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