Happy Birthday SADDI

February 28, 1996 is the most important day of my entire life and always will be.  Around 11pm on this leap year day in 1996, a litter of nine chow/lab puppies were born.  The last would be someone who changed and has made the most powerful impact of my life.  It wasn't until May 10, 1996 that this little black bundle of fur, looking like a bear cub, picked me to share her life.  A life of 13.5 years that was far too short.  Saisar SADDI Berrong was born on this day, i honor and celebrate her on this and everyday.  Even those that knew SADDI will never truly know just how much she means to me. Those who met SADDI during our walks, wanted to spend time with her because she was so friendly to everyone.   i remember the times we sat on a bench, under the trees, at the beautiful campus of Portland state, the stressed out students would walk by and smile seeing SADDI.  Some stopped to talk to her.  i'll never forget a group of adorable Japanese young ladies who wanted their picture with SADDI.  SADDI loved the attention.  SADDI altered who i am.  For most of our life together, it was just SADDI and i.  Simple days that today carry so much meaning and are cherished tightly within my heart.  i miss my best friend.  i miss coming home and being barked at, as if SADDI telling me how unhappy she was that i left her home.  i miss looking into her soft brown eyes and telling her how much i love her.  i miss everything that was us.  Where ever she is today, like everyday, i tell SADDI that i love her.  And i thank her for teaching, more than anyone else, how to appreciate the simple things in life. 
Happy Birthday SADDI.

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