S A D D I visiting me in my dreams

It's been awhile, but SADDI visited me in my dreams this morning. And it was again so real and so beautiful that i was ready to never wake up again.

SADDI was laying on the bed as i laid my head on her backside, while i plucked out large clumps of her hair that she was shedding.  SADDI didn't care, she just put up with me.  At one point, i was lifting SADDI to turn her over to be able to pluck the other side.  i was actually able to feel her weight.  In my dream, i was also able to feel my head on her soft thick black fur.  Though i wish i could have smelled her scent, i miss that so much.

i truly hated waking up, but my phone rang.  i just hope, some sleep soon, SADDI will be able to visit me again.

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