With Devon gone on another vacation, the house is quiet.  i've gone several days without speaking to another human and i am totally fine with that.  But i do talk, out loud, to SADDI.  Usually it's just reliving precious memories.  Thanking her for loving me, even when i didn't deserve it.  And telling SADDI about all the squirrels that come to visit everyday.  If SADDI was here, i know she would be sitting on the sofa and watching the squirrels playing in the trees and snacking on the treats.  And i can actually see SADDI turning to me, with that big beautiful smile before turning back to see the squirrels.  SADDI would be so entertained with all the activity we get just inches from our backdoor.  i will never forget the time we were walking through the park close to our former apartment when a squirrel quickly ran across the grass and jumped into a tree, upon seeing SADDI.  SADDI pulled me over to the tree and stood on her back legs, looking up the tree.  The squirrel was on a branch, about 10 feet up, talking down to SADDI.  SADDI turned to me, smiling and tail wagging.  Then the squirrel ran higher into the tree, out of SADDI's sights, so we continued our walk.  But SADDI was still smiling.  A smile i miss and need so much.

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