Lately, i've been thinking a lot about the first day SADDI and i were together (May 10, 1996).  When i brought SADDI to her new home, we played and chased each other around the big backyard.  SADDI explored everything that was now hers.  After a while, i knew she needed a bath.  So i took her into the house, placed her in the kitchen sink and turned on the water.  She was instantly got scared.  Standing on her back legs, with her front paws on my chest and her tiny sharp nails dug into me.  i tried to hurry while still trying to get her nice and clean.  When i tried to dry her off, she ran, soaking wet, into the front room, and wouldn't let me near her.  It took a while, but i realized she didn't like the white towel.   Thankfully i had other colors and was able to get her dried off.  Our entire life together, she never got over that fear of white towels.  SADDI stayed in the living room while i decided to take a shower.  i closed the door and jumped her, but i could hear SADDI just outside the door crying.  i opened the door, she stood there, looking up at me, wagging her tail.  i told her i would be right out and closed the door to return to the shower.  But SADDI started crying again.  So i left the door open while i showered so SADDI could still see me.  During the evening, we played inside.  i grabbed a pair of my old socks and SADDI loved them as her new toy.  A game of tug-a-war proved how strong this tiny puppy was.  Even one of my old t-shirts turned into entertainment for SADDI.  But then it was time for bed, SADDI stood at the foot of the bed while i got under the covers.  SADDI started crying, so i asked what she was waiting for, this was her bed too.  She jumped up and laid down on the pillow next to me.  Where she stayed all night.  i'm so glad i have that memory to come back to so often.  Like SADDI, i need my memories so much.

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