National Day of Service

9/11 should become a National Day of Service.  Where people are encouraged to do for others, to honor the sacrifices of those we lost on September 11, 2001.   Everyone has (or should have) a passion cause and they should be given this day to devote to helping out and making a positive change.  Hopefully it will not be abused by people selfishly only doing for themselves.   We should organize neighborhood clean ups, putting together groups to help in food banks, visiting a children's or veterans hospital or elder homes to talk with strangers (who will likely become friends).  There are so many opportunities where we all can make a differences if we just try.  And not for our own praise, but for those who unwillingly gave their lives for the freedoms many of us take for granted.  So please, roll up your sleeves to give and share and be part of what truly makes us great.

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