The first time i watched the movie Notting Hill, SADDI was sitting next to me on the love seat. i had a bag of microwave popcorn and every bite i took, i gave SADDI some popcorn. i remember i tried not to cry during the movie, it really bothered SADDI to see me crying (she had seen a lot of it during the betrayal of my family and the 4 year abusive relationship i was in). i was so into the movie, popcorn wasn't even in my thoughts. When i looked over at SADDI, she was looking up at me with her beautiful loving eyes. So i gave her a handful of popcorn, which she quickly ate up. But then she got up to get some water, soon returning and looking up at me as she sat on the rug. i gave her another handful, but it wasn't popcorn she wanted. She was just concerned about me. With popcorn scattered on the rug in front of her, SADDI just walked away and went to bed. i continued watching the movie and when it was done, i was on the rug picking up the popcorn she didn't want. i went into the bedroom, where SADDI was laying, and just held her. No words. After a few minutes, i went back out and watched the movie again. Since that day, i have likely watched Notting Hill over a hundred times. Whenever i have popcorn, i want to share it with SADDI and have her sitting next to me.