Appreciate Life

It has nothing to do with my failing health, i can't remember when i didn't have a great appreciation for the life around me. i do recall a time when i began rushing through life and not noticing what i should, but SADDI slowed me down and taught me to appreciate the simple things in life. SADDI always found great joy from a silly stick we'd find in our walks. Today, i am content to sit and watch the squirrels in our backyard enjoying treats i have shared with them. Or seated on the front porch with my eyes closed listening to the sound of the hummingbird wings as they sip some sugar water. Some may believe, with my limited time on this earth, that i should have a stronger purpose or give more, but unlike so many, i am doing and giving, i just don't announce my efforts. i will leave this earth with my many regrets and my peace for celebrating the beauty of life.
... "During the course of time and this time that we are living now, we are nothing more than a grain of sand laying on the beach with others just like us. But sometimes, as you walk across the sands, every now and then, a simple grain of sand will capture the light in a certain way to shine and sparkle. This is how we should all live our lives, to stand out, to shine, to sparkle. What a glorious beach it would then be." ~~~ ric berrong