1998 Famous Poets Society Winner
by ric berrong

i wish i had never tasted the sweet water of love
For now the drought has returned
A drought within myself i had accepted
Given into the idea i would be thirsty always
Dreaming only of the sweet waters others enjoy
But then a drop entered into my heart
Flooding a reality into my dreams and desires
But only a drop
And that soon was gone
While others float in rivers of love
Still more pollute the waters for the rest of us who desire love
Who deserve to swim in happiness
But i thirst for what i have briefly tasted
My soul is dry
My heart fades to dust

copyright SAISAR unlimited 1998

Feeling Lost

Loneliness has a way of really
fucking up the thoughts
i miss my SADDI so much

Celebrate Life

Celebrate Life

Celebrate Life

Celebrate Life

Celebrate Life

Celebrate Life


i took a long walk recently.  A couple of years ago that wouldn't be noteworthy, but since my strokes last year and still being in a cast after nearly three years, to save my leg because of diabetes, for me it's kinda big deal.

i needed to go to the local library, about 1/2 a mile away, with several area's of going up hills.  It was a warm, late spring afternoon, and many times during the walk i thought of turning back or calling my neighbor to get a ride.  But wonderful feeling it was to be out and to push myself.  My pace is slow and i struggle in area's where others would thrive.   What helped me to continue forward was enjoying the beauty of spring flowers in the neighborhood that i had never explored before.

i need to be careful though because my shoe is really wore down.  i don't want to buy new shoes because i am only able to wear a left shoe, i really can't afford new shoes and because of my heart failure i don't like to spend money on new things for myself because i honestly have no idea how much longer i have.  The last thing i want to do is mess up my left foot too, as after having those toes removed a few years ago, it is healed.

i miss my walks.  i especially miss my walks with SADDI.