National Coming Out Day

October 11 ~~~ National Coming Out Day ... People say, in 2018, why do people still come out as GLBTQ.  It's because, in 2018, it has become more important than ever.  With laws being made against people, only being true to themselves, it's important to show strength in numbers.  To show people, their co-workers, neighbors, grocery store clerk, bus driver, bowling team members and even their family members are GLBTQ.  Maybe the day will come when we don't seek to discriminate against one another.  If you want to be accepted for who you are, shouldn't you accept others for who they are?  No one is seeking "special rights", just basic human rights.  i always hear "when is straight pride", it's everyday.  Are you bullied, beaten, even murdered for who you love?  Has your family disowned you for being straight?  So in 2018, since life isn't a perfectly wrapped package, we still have 'coming out day'.  People still march and hold signs and let their voices be heard.  So in the times ahead of us, more people will know it's okay to be true to yourself.  There still will be those who will still  judge and reject you, even family members, but you will know that there are far many others who will embrace and respect you because you had the courage to be true to who you are.
To quote the mega talented, Tony winning, Lin-Manuel Miranda ... "love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love"

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