When i think of SADDI, which i do often, i am overwhelmed with sadness because i miss her so much. i miss the silly simple things. Getting up in the morning, SADDI moan and stretching and not ready to get up. So i would cover her with the blanket and let her sleep longer while i took a shower to get ready for work. By the time i was ready, i had to beg her to get out of bed so we could take our morning walk. SADDI was always slow to get out of bed. If it was raining, SADDI would stand at the door, as if she was thinking if she had to go to the bathroom bad enough to get her paws wet. ... Fixing some fresh water for her, if it was going to bed hot, i'd put some ice cubes in her water. Soaking her food bowl because she always liked to eat at night with me. ... Before i left for work, tossing a bunch of treats on the bed, but knowing she wouldn't eat them while i was gone. Giving her a kiss and telling her i would be back as soon as possible. After closing the door, i could hear her barking and crying as i walked to the bus. It broke my heart. ... When i returned home, i was barked at again and SADDI would jump up on me. We'd go for a quick walk and return home. As i sat down at the computer, SADDI would go into the bedroom and bring her treats out one at a time. She always wanted to eat with me. ... A zillion different things i miss but one very big thing i miss ... SADDI.